Tagged: Astros World

A blog worth reading

celestino.jpgI’m so sorry because I have been AWOL when it comes to this blog. Several obligations, my already-finished stint at the Pelota Caribe radio show, the list goes on and on…

So I will try to put things straight now. However, it’s so nice to see you have so many options for reading interesting baseball stuff here, both in English and Spanish, even Portuguese. Tudo de bom!

One of them is the blog by my MLB.com fellow scribe Jesse Sanchez. He writes articles on both languages about Latino ballplayers, whether they’re Dominican, Venezuelan, Puertorrican, Mexican, you name it.

He’s always writing in a very friendly yet knowledgeable way, approachable to readers. His stories are not to be missed if you happen to be browsing our websites. His blog is also a window into the thoughts, minds and humanity of those beings who are blessed in making a living by playing baseball.

So you should read it, if you haven’t done it yet. For example, this post on my fellow Venezuelan Jose Lopez from the Seattle Mariners (we both were born on the same city) is one not to be missed.